Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am utterly sick of things disappearing around the house especially when i know who took them.
Its those things that are valuable but you put in your drawer or cupboard for safekeeping and you forgot about it for a couple of weeks and then suddenly... poof. Toyol curik.
My black bangle. That one that has embossed flower patterns on it. Gone. And that is not something i forgot for a couple of weeks even. I dont really wear accessories. So i put this special one somewhere where i can check everyday that its there cos i know its steal-prone. Everysingleday ok i check. Then suddenly the next day its gone, and no one owns up.
My ezlink. That still has got $50 in it cos i tend to top it up to a hundred everytime. Seriously. Gone. In. The. House. Amazing. Theres a huge difference between i dropped it somewhere outside, and i dropped it in the house. And i definitely did not misplace it. No such thing as the word misplaced in this situation.
And then today, i forgot everything about bebe's bluetooth headphones. I was sure that i gave him back but he said he didnt have it with him. And last i checked my room, i dont see any headphones. Which can only mean one thing right. Its not just some crap philips headphones. Its still $60. Still money.

I am seriously FUCKING SICK of things being toyol-ed and i really cant find anything big enough that can fit in my cupboard slot that can be locked. I bought a lock last year but it broke.. probably some shitfucker tried to break in... so i went easy and just let it be.. until.. a couple of other things went missing also.

LOOK, i dont mind or care so much if things go missing. But things that are sentimental and of value that i really point out and made sure the whole house receives my announcement... its just breakdown-ish if they went missing.

After today, i am definitely checking everyfuckingday whether the ring bebe bought for me is at its place. I dont think she even cares that bebe bought it for my birthday or what. She's still gonna take it and then try to deny it all along the lines of.. she's not sure whether that was hers or mine.. which is usually not cos we totally own different things altogether. She is that stupid lame considering she's a teacher and studying in SIM.

SIM my ass. I can study there if i want to just gimme the goddamn money. Bitch. She's got the most ugliest boyfriend by the way who looks like he's a retarded goat cos of his retarded goatee. I hope he beats her up. Thats what their kind do. I hope one day if they ever get married.. which i dont think they will anytime soon seeing that he's already having fun banging her smelly private stash now and then at his house..... he'll beat her up and literally step on her head until it bleeds. Yeah. Bleed. Literally bleed. I want to see blood. I'd be so happy.

I dont care if she dies. I dont care if she drop dead. I dont care if she got hit by lori taik or her body got flattened by a steamroller. I dont care if her boyfriend beats her cos he's already a loser for dating her cos she's so smelly and disgusting. I dont care if she doesnt get her pathethic SIM diploma. I dont care if she doesnt give my mum money. I dont care if she takes my things.
Reallly. i doont. Cos karma will works its way into her smelly and berkurap genitilia and then eat her up like some crazy exorcist movie.

Sometimes i imagine things like.. one day i'll get into an argument with her.. and then we fight.. and then i end up kicking her ass.. and she'll bleed to death.
AWESOME. Really awesome movie that would be. And i, Huda Anak Kosaini, will be recognized for her heroic duties by saving the family from more bullshit and smelly armpits, cos i totally rule.

But yeah.. its still same old same old.