You know a bunch of bullshikas when you see them. They're IN DENIAL, DESPERATE and most important of all PATHETHIC.
Its a sad sad day for blueberry sunflowers.
Im sorry. I just feel like saying that. I dont know the meaning of blueberry sunflowers. Nor do i know that they cant be enjoyed on a sad sad day. It just popped into my awesome head, and it sounded cool, so i typed it out with glee.
Im at it again. Snooping into people's business. Why do i do that. Why the fuck do i have to be so fucking KPO. Why cant i mind my own business? Do i really have to go around and be bitchy and comment on every single detail?
Well SoR-Ree if im the pathethic one here. I just cant help myself.
But no worries. I halted myself before i went deeper. I have self-control too you know. All i need is a wake-up call, which i gave myself of course.. and i'll be fine and dandy. Dont worry about me. I'll just go get my peas and carrots.
Oh My GOD. Why am i so FAT. URGHHHH.