i do love my sibs. well. except for the stupid idiot one. we are close. well. maybe not so i guess. at times i feel like they're just there. just there at home. but when we share something we like in common, we really got into it. i can only advice and remind them random things.. here and there. but otherwise they dont really share their personal problems.. who they like.. who they're dating.. wanna go watch a movie together or not... i dont know. they dont even tell stuff to my mom. mcm weird. dont blame me. i always share stuff from school/work with them. you know me. big mouth. always like to babble2. i just dont know why they cant do the same for me. i try to understand them. and i guess, thats just how they are.
thats why, however our friendship may turn out, if we ever be great friends forever or for just awhile,
azril will always be the brother that i would love to share things with.
fitri will always be the sister i would love to be there for her and take care of her.
and yuyul will always be the sister that i would love to scold some sense into her.
they are my brothers and sister after all. sedara islam lah katekan! WAHA.
k tomoro spring cleaning my room. which i can say, 7/8 of the mess is the stupid idiot's. deffo not mine. i'll take pictures and post up here to see how disgusting my bedroom is. no worries.
ok bye.