Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ladies and gentleman...
get ready for...
*drum roll*


My first ever REAL chalet geng. Sure.. i went to like 2 chalets ? since i was born.. but they were like.. a friend's friend brother/sister/boyfriend/postman's birthday and the AD047Q chalet.. which yes i planned the food part but didnt get to overnight cos i got GODDAMN CURFEW. Suck hairy balls.

But now.. im 22 so i have all rights to overnight. I can take care of myself ibu dont worry! (She wont let me stay overnight but she said it in like.. a nice way *roll eyes*) But i DONT CARE im still going to overnight. WOKEH. No one can stop me. Whats the point of having a chalet, and u dont overnight. No. Really. If i stay in the east, its no problemo. But you want me to travel ALLL the way like pisang lemau from east to north, which i prolly will take a cab, and thus waste my money to pay the taxi driver salary? NO. But anyway thats not the point.

The point its, me and my baybes (yana baybe, fiqo baybe and fitri jules baybe) will be planning the melantak part and i am SO sexcited geng. Padahal belom JUNE pon eh. HAHA.

EH aranda okeh! Wah my boss atas arh geng book chalet. 7 1/2 thumbs up.. Must cost him a nuclear bomb since its june holidays and all. But. WHATEVER. NOT MY MONEY. WEEE. Aku tompang joget happy dance JER.

Aneewayy.. today is 28 MAY. 28 is a nice number. It has a number 2 and its got the number 8. And together.. they scream: PAYDAY!! *scream head off*

But like all of my pays, of course it'll be gone in a week. What more the chalet. But its all good man. Its all good. I got my pay worked out, and i will make sure that i will not starve (and wen i say starve i meant ciggs not food) and i will not have debts. I hate Debts! Its like Rabies or something. How can people live with Rabies you see? Or like kutu rambot! Right? Kan gatal anti garok mcm monyetz?

And aside everything.. i lost my nokia PHONE. MANE siak aku letak. It HAS to be in this room. Nobody will use it cos its damn spoil.. but got my cfbean pictures inside SEY. Stupid right tak upload siang2? Ni lah BODOH. Im sorry huda, you won the award for Bodoh nak mampos tak Tau Nak Upload Gambar Siang2 Award.

But anyway its all good. Its all good. HAHA. CHEY. Nak step happy go lucky konon aku. ISAPPP.

And on top of everything else.. I MISS YAYANGGGGGGGG. Dont gag please.

YANG i miss you. I really do. My chocolate teddy bear. HAHA chocolate. Well his skin is.. chocolatey.. but its not edible. I miss you and i cant wait.. for you... TO BUY ME A KEYBOARD HEHEHEHEEHEHEHE. Paksa orang EH. Padahal gaji die not OLrite this month. But its okeh bebe. Its okeh. I understand... i love you. I REALLY DO OMG. Crazy about you lah chocolate man you! Even if i never msg u or what.. im always thinking about you k. Remember EH. Okeh good.

Okeh..oLrite its all good... let me see.. do i want to complain about anything or not.. hmm.. im not really whiny today.. well except for the GODDAMN FORSAKEN MESSY BEDROOM + SMELLY SHIT that i have to sleep in.. i tink its all good. Maybe i'll sleep in the living room today.

SIALA tomoro closing, friday closing, sat closing. WAAH SOT DOT TOR ZOR ARH. But its ok huda.. its ok.. before you know it.. its sunday.. and you'll be out with fitri jules baybe go shopping CHEY shopping eh. Padahal beli necessities. Suck hairy balls ar my hair. TU ARH taknak belajar betol2 kan? Main2 agik blajar! Bole masok poly taknak masok! LOSER SIAK KAU huda. LOSER.

Ok what else.. well besides being a loser.. well thats it.. just now closing with sani and danny boy and its ladies night but not busy.. and wina.. wina was great.. SUPER FAST SUPER productive SUPEr helpful and SUPER DUPER.

Okeh nak minom ice cream soda.. cuci muke.. then nak tido. Besok kejee weeeeeeee.