Monday, June 29, 2009
im not ready to talk to anyone let alone anything yet. alot have been in my thoughts these past couple of years seeing different flaws, theories and intentions. I have tried many times to bolt the door shut and paste a happy face. bcos that is me. im pretty good at faking. i may not be patient but im very forgiving. bcos you cant think bad of someone for too long. its never healthy. i dont hold grudges and vengeance is just a word i would say but never an action i would do. but somehow they succeed in bringing me down. i dont wish to be angry bcos it will tire me and i have been there. i can only be upset and keep it inside me. and if it bursts, it bursts inside bcos outside is never an option. i may not be the bestest friend or girlfriend, may not be the bestest sister or daughter. but i know i did my part in carrying out the responsibilites of each and every title. and however hard days may go by, i will never stop trying or reminding myself. bcos no one is perfect.