Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bare with me for a minute. As i pen down this feelings of happiness and gay. Dolphins over rainbows. And cotton candy pink clouds.

i love you my bebe. The ultimate most cliched sentence in the world, i know.

i miss you! Today i miss you again. And i think about you and.. your safety (all the bloody time). Think about what you're doing (though i know you're asleep most of the time) and i think about whether you're thinking of me or not (you better damn do!) Heh hehhh.

Its 3:05 in the morning my dear blog. Oh wait its not 3:05 anymore. But its 3:06. Here i am blog, sitting in front of the comp, dono wad the hell to type as i contemplate whether to heat up the mee goreng in the microwave or not bcos my stummy is now screaming with absolute hunger, but at the same time my brain says: Eh pi tido sudah lah! Oh its 3:07 now.

Nak tengok south park nari ke besok. Nari ke besok. Nari. Besok... Besok. Nari. Besok SUDAH.

Gua pi tido dulu.

Slamat wet dreams.